HMP Belmarsh


General Information

Name of Prison HMP Belmarsh
Address: Western Way
London SE28 0EB
Other contact details:
Web Site:
Main switchboard: 020 8331 4400
At Risk hotline:
Fax: 020 8331 4401
Visits booking number: 0208-331-4768
Visits booking email:
Visits booking txt number:
Type of Prison: Local male prison with high secure unit.

HMP Belmarsh holds 773 men sentenced by primarily the Central Criminal Court and magistrates Courts in SE London, as well as  Crown and Magistrates Courts in SW Essex, the majority of which are Cat B. The prison also holds a small number of Cat A and High Risk Prisoners. It is one of 12 long term and high security prisons, but the only core local prison in the high security estate. It also operates a high secure unit (HSU) for prisoners presenting the very highest risk of escape. It is run by HMPS as part of the London Region, and the #1 governor is Jenny Louis , who has been in charge since February 2021.