The origins of HMP Cardiff date back almost 200 years. Today the prison continues to hold unconvicted and trial prisoners from local courts and short-termprisoners serving up to two years. A new wing was built in around 20 years ago to accommodate 218 additional men, including 96 lifers. Major recent refurbishment and modification of cellular accommodation has seen the capacity rise to 820. A new health care centre was opened in May 2008. The prison holds men from the south east of Wales and is run by HMPS as part of the Wales region and the #1 governor is Helen Ryder, who has been in place since October 2018.
- A wing General population
- A1 Mainly prisoners working in the kitchen and on recycling
- B wing General population
- B1 Vulnerable prisoners
- C wing Induction and first night centre
- D wing Enhanced level prisoners
- E wing General population
- F wing General population
- F1 Prisoners suspected of secreting illicit items on or in their body/self-isolators and Safer Custody referrals who have raised concerns over personal safety in the general population
- H wing Health care unit