Gymnasium: The gym has a weights/fitness suite and a sports hall . There is also a sports field/football pitch.
Healthcare: The prison has no in-patient facilities. Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust provide the healthcare at the prison.
Recovery Community: This is an intensive recovery-focused service aimed at making recovery relevant to the individual lasting from 6-15 months dependent on individual need. The programme is operated in a special unit within the main prison location and can have 64 prisoners at any one time.
Accredited Offending Behaviour Programmes: The prison runs Core Sex Offender Treatment Programme (CSOTP) and the Thinking Skills Programme (TSP)
Association: Association is allowed during weekday evening and weekend afternoon, excepting Bank Holidays when a weekend regime will operate
Chaplaincy: There is a chapel and a multi-faith room are available, with appropriate services and meetings for all major religions. Evening and weekend groups and studies also take place.
Canteen: Orders are placed on a Monday and delivered on a Saturday.