Regimes at HMP Leeds

Offender management

Offender Management Function within the prison was created by bringing together the Resettlement and Regimes work teams under one managerial line. They work closely with key agencies and voluntary and community providers to help deliver effective and purposeful sentences to encourage successful reintegration and resettlement into communities, within the Offender Management Model.

The prison splits its work into 9 basic area’s (pathways) which link to the Regional Reducing Re-Offending Action Plan (RRRAP). These “pathways” are:

  1. Accommodation, working with Shelter to help prisoners find appropriate housing on their release
  2. Education, Training & Employment by advancing the educational skills of the prisoners and gaining the appropriate vocational qualifications
  3. Mental & Physical Health, delivered through Leeds Community Health Trust, incorporating a range of primary care, mental health and substance misuse services within NHS clinical standards and governance.
  4. Drug & Alcohol Misuse,  targeted for intervention upon reception by Leeds Community healthcare and Lifeline specialist drugs workers, and the provision of a “Recovery Wing”
  5. Drug & Alcohol Misuse,  targeted for interventions upon reception by Healthcare and Lifeline specialist drugs workers. Leeds Community Healthcare offers a range of substitute prescribing with a robust reviewing process.
  6. Finance, Benefit & Debt, advice is provided through partnerships developed with CAB and JC . Through these partnerships we aim to ensure offenders receive timely and accurate debt counselling and are capable of managing money.
  7. Children & Families of Offenders are recognised as an important part of each offenders support structure. The ‘Fathers Inside’ programme can help offenders maintain and develop relationships with family and community, to support reintegration and rehabilitation.
  8. Attitudes and Thinking Behaviour, using pro-social strategies to develop problem solving abilities. The use of the Offender Assessment System (OASys) in sentence planning work is used to target appropriate interventions to change anti-social behaviour.
  9. Voluntary Sector Involvement is fundamental to RRRAP. The prison works with Voluntary and Community Sector partners to deliver effective offender management and rehabilitation.

Drug Strategy

Prisoners with a drug problem are identified during the reception process as part of a comprehensive medical screening, aided by experienced substance misuse workers. There is a drugs Recovery Wing within the prison and help and assistance is given to aid the prisoner to live a drug free life.

 Medical Facilities

 Leeds Community Health provides clinical intervention within the 6 bedded in patient unit.  There is also a secondary team care provider within the prison environment, working in partnership with the in-house primary care service of the prison.


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