General Information, Forest Bank

The prison opened in 2000 under a 25-year private finance initiative (PFI) contract to provide 800 places as a category B local prison. Spaces gradually increased to 1,160 before a 264-place extension was opened in November 2009. Following a reduction in prisoner places, the establishment now holds 1,364 remand and sentenced adult males and remanded young adults (18-21 year olds). The majority of the prisoners are from Wigan, Leigh, Bolton and Bury. 


Wings A-F are the original prison; G and H are the new buildings added in 2009: 

  • A1, A2, B1, B2, C2, E2, F1 and F2 – convicted and un-convicted adults and under 21-year-olds
  • C1, D2 – convicted and un-convicted vulnerable adults and under 21-year-olds
  • D1 – reverse cohort unit (RCU)(see Glossary)/induction unit
  • E1 – closed
  • G1, G2 and H2 – recovery wings
  • H1 – RCU/induction unit for prisoners needing drug or alcohol treatment

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