Offending Behaviour groups included Enhanced Thinking Skills Courses, Welfare to Work and Job Clubs. A Listener Scheme for those prisoners who may be at risk from suicide or self-harm is operated.
The prison runs 3 accredited Offending Behaviour Programmes:
- Thinking Skills which addresses a prisoners cognitive skills allowing them to look at problem solving in relation to their offending behaviour and general life decisions
- CALM: which is an anger management programme addressing issues of Emotional violence in relation to offending behaviour
- Building Skills for Recovery the replacement substance misuse programme for PASRO. BSR addresses both drug and alcohol misuse and can be accessed by alcohol misusers only, this programme has been commissioned by Doncaster PCT as part of its Recovery based ethos.
The prison offer range of workshop placements offering work experience in Farms and gardens,Furniture repair, Industrial cleaners, Kitchens, Lights, painting and decorating, Picta, Plastics, Stores, Tailors, TV repairs, Waste Recycle, Braille, CES, Joinery and wire stripping.
Moorland has a modern gymnasium including two weight and cardiovascular gyms, a remedial gym area, sports hall and external football field, as well as recreational gym sessions. They run full time courses leading to vocational qualifications in:.
- Gym instructor Level 2 NVQ
- Circuit instructor level 1 + 2 NVQ
- First aid at work HSE approved
- Treatment of injuries level 2 + 3 QCA/NQF
- Indoor cycling beginners credits towards NVQ
- Healthy Living level 1+2 credits towards NVQ