The criminal justice system is extremely complicated, constantly changing and very difficult to understand unless you are an expert. If you are involved as either a defendant or a victim of crime do not hesitate in get proper help from a qualified legal professional as quickly as you can. DoingTime does not give legal advice, but we do know that you don’t always get what you are entitled to from the law unless you ask properly!
We can introduce you to experienced lawyers who can help you will represent you in Court in your defence. They can also help with problems and issues on parole, probation, immigration, adjudications, visits and any other complaints and disputes you have with the Prison Service, Police, Immigration Services or Probation. Some help may be free under the Legal Aid Scheme, but this is not always the case, the lawyer will be able to tell you.
The solicitors are all experts on how the Criminal Law/Prison system works and will be able to provide to you the necessary advice and support to ensure you or your loved ones are treated fairly. They are “small enough to care about you but big enough to fight for you”