HMP Dovegate, General Information

Dovegate opened in 2001. In September 2009, new accommodation was opened to increase capacity, with half the 260 spaces dedicated to local prisoner places. It is run by Serco. It is split into 2 units, the main prison housing 960 and the Therapeutic Community having a capacity of 200. The #1 governor is Andy Johnson, who has been in charge since December 2022.

A therapeutic community (TC) is where people choose to live together, support each other, challenge others and be challenged on all aspects of their offending. It aims to alter people’s way of thinking, enabling them to change their lives for the better. The TCs were run democratically, which meant that where possible all members of the community are involved in making decisions that affected the community. Prisoners were encouraged to playan active role in the community and a variety of roles and representative jobs were available. Communities were learning experiences and everything was designed to have therapeutic value and provide men with an opportunity to develop within a safe environment.

The prison is part of the West Midlands Region.


The accommodation in the main prison is:

  • House block 1
    • A wing General wing
    • B wing General wing
    • C wing General wing
    • D wing General wing
    • E wing General wing
  • House block 2
    • F wing General wing
    • G wing General wing
    • H wing General wing
    • J wing General wing
    • K wing Cellular confinement and accommodation for prisoners aged 50+
  • House block 3
    • L wing General wing
    • M wing Integrated drug treatment system (IDTS) wing
    • N wing Remand prisoners
    • P wing Vulnerable prisoner unit

The Therapeutic Community is houses in 6 two-storey residential units: four hold 40 men and two hold 20. All cells are single occupancy with en-suite facilities.


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32 thoughts on “HMP Dovegate, General Information”

  1. Hi there, my brother is currently in dovegate on remand. I want to send him clothes/ trainers in and anything else that he is allowed. Could you help me understand what I can send. And also if there is a limit that he can have and can I send as much as possible at the same time. Thanks

  2. Hi, how can I send a book to someone in Dovegate please? It’s his birthday and would like to send 1 or 2 I think he’d enjoy.
    Thank you x

    • There are 2 answers to the question! You can send as much as you like ( common sense prevailing of course!) but the money will not all be made availabe for the prisoner to spend immediately. Money will be “transferrred” from the priosner’s holding account to the “private account” at various rates, depending on which prison your friend is in; so if for example you send £50, this could be made available for 5 weeks at £10 a week. If the prisoner is “working” in the prison their wages get added to the private account each week, ie if they are “paid” £20, they would get £20+£10=£30 added to their private account each week which they can spend.

    • As much as you like but only a certain amount drops down and it’s not a lot of they’re still on basic

  3. My son has 19months left at dovegate he was a class c prisoner at previous 2 establishment but got dumped here when coming from court just as 1st lockdown came , hes done everything by book here yet they still seem to be victimising him ,.just had call he was down block last night as they saying he incited a fight ,he is admitting he didn’t know a thing ,then today gets told he got to be moved 5 of them to C wing or spend 14days block he went back to get his stuff to find tv,stereo n a box he made me smashed by officers, and told by officer to stop getting me calling priest but he appears the one that actually listens to us n prisoners without judging . Im angry

    • Hi,
      It would be worthwhile contacting the IMB at Dovegate, they are independent of the prison and will be able to investigate on your behalf if appropriate.

    • Be happy your son is in such an excellent prison.
      Try try Stoke heath in 1996 or hmp moorland in 2000.
      You lad is happy as Larry. Trust me, if he is moaning about dovegate then I reckon he might have learned his lesson.
      Imagine starting on basic and not being able to get off. Jail used to be like the police station with a gladiator school but now its a cakewalk.

  4. MY partners been remanded in custody until Nov 22nd wen his plea hearing takes place. Iv not been told where/ how he is nor his prisoner number. Iv contacted the pc in charge of his case but she says its out of her jurisdiction and with the courts now, how can I find out?

    • Hi,
      Your first port of call should be his lawyers who will know where he was sent. If they can’t help contact the courts and they will be able to tell. If the courts won’t help you may be able to work it out, i.e. Nottingham Courts send remand prisoners (usually) to Nottingham Prison. If that fails try [email protected], and that will find him, but its not nearly as quick a solution. Once you know where he is ring the prison reception and they may tell you his prison #, but its a bit pot luck as they may defer to data protection, ‘elf and safety, privacy etc etc!
      Remember that as a remand prisoner he is entitle to almost limitless visits, he will have been told this during his interview in reception at the prison, but stress make people forget things

  5. Hi a friend of mine went into prison this Thursday I’m just wondering how long it takes to get your prison number

    • The issuing of prison number will have occurred almost immediately as part of his induction process> Your friend would have been photographed by the reception officers for his identity card and the number will be shown on that. If he has been to prison before, he will retain his “old” number.

  6. My son will most likely start his sentence with you on P wing. He has never been to prison before. Please can you tell me what he can bring in with him ie electric shaver, radio headphones clothes etc

    • Hi, Firstly please note that we have no connection with HMPS, we are an independent organisation just trying to give people unbiased and factual information.

      The stark reality is that as a new prisoner your son will probably be instructed to wear prison issue clothing, and any clothing/items he brings in with him will be placed in stored property and he will ony be allowed access to these as he progresses thru the IEP ( incentive earned privelige) system. Any cash he has with him will be paid into his “private account” and drip fed weekly into his “spends account” so he can buy luxuries like phone credit,stamp or a decent toothbrush. The most important thing is to ensure he has written down the phone #’s and addresses of family/friends so that he can stay in contact. Nowadays all this information is stored on our phones so we don’t need to remember them, that doesn’t work in prison.
      There are various organisiations which allow you to email your son while he is in prison, and you can set up a phone link so he can call you without burning up his limited ( and expensive) phone credit. Details are available on the web site.

  7. Above information is somewhat out of date and incorrect now.

    G wing was made a General wing in July 2014.

    H wing was made a General wing in September 2018.

    P wing was made the Vulnerable Prisoners wing since September 2018.

    • Hi, Firstly please note that we have no connection with HMPS, we are an independent organisation just trying to give people unbiased and factual information.
      We appreciate the information, and we have updated the we site accordingly

      Thanks again, and if you see anything else out of date (or just plain wrong!) please let us know

      • I believe at present (to the best of my knowledge):

        G wing is a Long-term wing.

        J wing is a Lifers wing.

        L wing is a General wing (2 years and under, unemployed).

        M wing is Integrated drug treatment system (IDTS) / Remand / Mental Health prisoners.

        N wing is First Night Wing / Inductions / Remand.

  8. My son serving in hmp dovegate we rang to inform them to tell him his nanna had died ,it took 2days for them to tell him we arranged via them for him to watch her funeral service yesterday they had all info assured us it would happen, hes rang yesterday totally angry bitter as they cocked up FAILED TO get him to see it. I’ve wrote complaint and need who to send to as I will show them.up. like lads not told 10min free daily calls whilst banged up covid19.

    • Firstly please note that we have no connection with HMPS, we are an independent organisation just trying to give people unbiased and factual information.
      i am sorry for your loss. You could send your letter of compliant to the #1 governor, John Hewitson, or Sarah Tiffin if your son is in the Therapeutic Community unit. The address is available on our web site

    • It depends on how much money they have! Each prisoner has 2 accounts, “Private” and “Spends”
      Money you send into the prisoner will gp straight into his Private Account, and will be transfered weekly into his Spends Account. The amount transferred will depend on their status, Basic regime prisoners may only get £5 a week transfered, Super Enhanced £25 a week. Any money the prisoner earns from their prison “job” goes into their spends account weekly. When its in the Spends account the prisoner can spend all in 1 go if they like, either on phone credit, canteen or on catalogue shopping. The prison officers do monitor what is spent, so a diminuitave 5ft2″ prisoner ordering size 13 trainers will raise question as to whether the prisoner is buying on behalf of another (not allowed) or is being bullied/threatened etc

  9. Who do I need to contact at hmp dovegate my son rang and left a message today
    It seems from his voice that he was under the influence of some drug
    Someone was telling him to put the phone down officer I presume and some other people were laughing
    As my son is in prison for drug related crime and also has mental health issues
    I worried as I didn’t expect him to be able to get drugs in prison and the time he spent in there would give him chance to get clean

    • Maureen,
      We are an independent web site, with no connection with Dovegate.

      Regretably, I fear your concerns may be well founded as it is quite easy to get drugs while in prison. The staff do their utmost to shut off the supply routes but product is still brought in by those newly committed, visitors, drones and “throw-overs” and, on rare occassions, by corrupt prison employees. Dovegate do have “drug free wings” where all the inmates are, or are striving, to be drug free, and considerable help will be made available to your son to assist in breaking the habit, but the willpower to quit has to be his alone.

      To allay your concerns call the prison, the main switchboard number is on the web site, and ask to speak to either the Duty Governor/Director or the Orderly Officer. They should be able to tell you what procedures are in place to address the problem.



  10. Hi I had a call 2 weeks ago of a female prison officer and said my boyfriend xxxxx xxxxx would be contacting me shortly but haven’t heard anything of him and I’m really concerned could you please ask him to get in touch with me thanks, my mobile number 07984xxxxxx.

    • Kerry,

      DoingTime has no contact with HMP Dovegate, we are an independent web site.

      You could try calling the prison direct (the phone number is on our web site), but I suspect you will be told “we are not his secretarial service, if he wants to ring you he will ring you”. You may get as sympathetic officer, but I wouldn’t be holding my breathe. The quickest way to make contact with him is via email. Go to and follow the links to the external company which provides this service, or rely on good old fashioned snail mail.

      Sorry we can’t be more helpful



    • I’ve had the same last week and heard nothing back. Just wondering if you did call and they gave you any info or if it was just a waste of time

    • Susan,
      DoingTime is an independent web-site, with no formal connection with the prison service, but as far as we are aware there is no specific wing at Dovegate (or at any other prison) specifically for people on the autistic spectrum. If you are concerned I would suggest you contact HMP Dovegate direct, their number is 01283 829400. Dovegate does have a Therapeutic Community unit, so unlike some old fashioned prisons they are likely to, at worst, at least understand your concerns.

      • I am worried my son as caught TB from somebody that was in contact with him at a nother prison before dovegate this person has been diagnosed with TB and the public health team from Hmp Hewell had rung the Hereford county hospital to inform them this and asked if my son could have a screening iv told the hospital my son is at Hmp dovegate and she as sent an email to tell them this I have told the health team about this at dovegate my son is showing some of the symptoms that she mentioned I am very concerned about this what is the prisons procedure to deal with this . As I’m worried for my sons health .

        • Sxxxx,

          Sorry for the delay in replying, we wanted to check out a few things so as to be able to give you some real information.

          Firstly, DoingTime has no connection with the prison service, we are an independent web site just trying to help people!

          Clearly you have already told HMP Dovegate’s medical team , and I assume you have also told your son so that he is aware of the situation. It would be worthwhile following this up with a letter to them, so the message doesn’t just get lost. There is not a lot more you can do; HMP Dovegate probably wont tell you any details of medical checks they have carried out on your son ( patient confidentiality etc). The only person who can effectively push for treatment/screening is your son; make sure he has all the pertinent facts so he can brief HMP Dovegate’s doctors.

          However, its not all negative news! The prison service has faults, but the reality is that it is easier to get a doctors appointment in prison than for most people on the outside, and if there is a potential problem they will react quickly.

          Hope its “just a scare” and your son is ok


  11. Could I please arrange a visit to Michael xxxxxx (on remand at P wing (I believe)).He is being held on alleged Arson charge.I used to visit Michael,as a support worker,and have written a letter to him recently.As a consequence I received a phone call,from a female officer Ms xxxx (?),on my answer phone.The message was a week ago.Could I pass on my home telephone number,which gives a much better reception
    Tell Michael he can contact me on this number in the evening.Many thanks
    John Rxxxx
    Tel:01782 xxxxxx
    Mob: 0783 xxx xxxx


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