GYM: Offering the usual weight training, cardiovascular and games facilities in the gymnasium and sports field areas. Specifoc courses are run for the older prisoners.
Resettlement: Arrangements with Pertemps, A4E and Jobcentre Plus, all of whom have employment related input to the regime. Accommodation and Financial advice is provided by Shelter. As well as working with individuals to maintain tenancies and obtain accommodation on release, Shelter also provides tenancy and budgetary management courses.
Therapeutic Community: Residential unit of 65 beds, this programme can run for a period of 18 months.. It is a total emersion programme, targeting medium to high-risk offenders for whom there is a link between their offending and problematic substance use.
Drug Recovery Wing: There is a DRW at the prison to support prisoners addressing their alcohol and substance abuse, and to provide assistance with self care and living skills, emotional and mental heath, physical health
Clinical DART Unit: Clinical management of substance- misuse (detoxification) services provide support and intervention for drug- misusers to help achieve withdrawal from dependency; help and support in response to Hep B, C, and HIV with various literature & information available to prisoners in a variety of languages.
Drug and Alcohol Recovery Team (DART): Previously known as IDTS, this is a support service to prisoners
Healthcare: This is provided by the NHS and Care UK